Upcoming Events

By Enoch T George
3rd May, 2022

AJB Upcoming Events.
AJB Leaders Academy is glad to inform all parents and the general public about her upcoming events. Which will begin on May 15, 2022 and end May 19, 2022.
Sunday May 15 will be Kings and Queens contest.
The contestants are:
1. Jeremiah Barclay
2. Foday Sillah
3. Peter Johnson
4. Avie Kollie
1. Faith Baniyo
2. Susan Christopher 
2. Roseline Glassco
4. Elizabeth Pleayah

May 16, Career Day
On May sixteen there will ba three gust speaker to educate the kids of different careers.
May 17, African
On the  seventh of May students will show case their African traditional dress clothes. Students will not just wear their traditional clothing but will have the opportunity to speak their local languages.
May 18 Color House Day
The day is called color house day because students will be put into four group of colors.
These groups are:
1. White House
2. Green House
3. Pink House
4. Red House
Each color house will contest in different games.
May 19, Game Day
On this day there will be a game against another school.
Thank for reading. Have a good day.
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